...Bonobo didn't quite make the grade this time around....
Above: Mr. B. Love, 2.00pm today (Artist's impression)
Aw shit, fuckles, sods, buggerts and flange.
I was really hoping to do well from this interview as well. I'd prepared my lesson, ironed my shirt and put the word out on the street that I was looking hot for a job, you know, dressed to impress and all that jazz.
I left this morning and immediately got caught in traffic in whichever direction I went in order to try and avoid the onslaught of even more traffic. I mean, how is it possible for traffic to grow? Its certainly not organic, let me tell you that now..
However, through the traffic, I made it on time (9.15am), feeling very hungry. I'd forced down a single piece of toast as I think I was feeling tense and nervous about the whole shebang. And I cleanly forgot about the banana and the orange penguin and the bottle of water I'd handily left on the kitchen sideboard. Looking back, if I'd have included them on my trip I reckon it would have swayed me getting the gig.
When I got to the school I met up with the other two candidates for the interview, a very friendly girl from Swansea and a guy who was on my PGCE course and who I knew very well, (lets call him 'Mike Hunt' for arguments sake) so as you can well imagine it was strange pitting myself against a friend to try a get the job.. A bit like backstage at "The Weakest Link", but this was entitled "Who'll be employed by the end of the day?"
At 10.15 I taught my sample lesson, which went swimmingly, I really enjoyed it. Then, I was given a tour around the school with some of the pupils. It was lovely, a real dream of a school, and I know thats sounds weird, but I really liked the look of it. Steeped in tradition but had a very modern sense about it, plus all the staff we bumped into welcomed us and wished us good luck.
Then came the interviews in the afternoon. With no lunch I pottered into the first interview room with the Head and the Head of ICT. I talked a bit about my history with ICT, how I'd approach teaching certain areas and where my strengths and weaknesses were. 20 minutes later I changed rooms to my second interview, a more general pastoral approach into how I would react in certain classroom situations.
'Beautiful' I thought. 'In the bag'. But take heed, never be so optimsitic to think you could win these competetions! I forgot the most important factor of always thinking you've lost before you've even won.
...Well, to cut a long story down a few sentences, I didn't get the job. Mike Hunt got it. He does know a lot more than me in terms of subject knowledge, I'm still a fledgling at this type of thing. The girl was gracious in not getting the job (I think), and I'm sure she'll find a job somewhere where they need her.
Nice school, but apparently I didn't come across well in the interview. A sore point for me because I thought I'd done OK, which means I'll have to sharpen my skills on that particuar, er, forte (?- as you can see, my sentence structuring skills haven't improved via blogging!)
I did appreciate the feedback telling me where I needed to improve my game and I needed the experience because this was, after all, my first interview to start my whole career.
Bonobo's words for the day:
These interviews are for the school to judge how well you are as a teacher, and for the would- be- teacher to judge if they really want to stay and invest a year of their lives at least into the school they are viewing.
Nerve wracking, but good experience....now bring on the next interview! I'll show 'em!